Kenya is set to host the prestigious Network of African Data Protection Authorities (NADPA) Annual General Meeting (AGM), showcasing its dedication to data protection and positioning itself as a hub for digital innovation. Established in Ouagadougou in 2016, NADPA serves as a vital platform for African privacy and data protection authorities, fostering collaboration and amplifying Africa’s voice in global data protection discussions.
The upcoming AGM, slated for May 7th to 9th, 2024 at the Windsor Hotel and Country Club Nairobi, represents a pivotal opportunity for knowledge exchange and collaboration among African data protection stakeholders. Hosted by The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Principal Secretary, John Tanui, the event will bring together industry players to fortify the implementation of robust data protection frameworks, ensuring a secure and responsible digital landscape across the continent.
Participants can anticipate engaging discussions on data protection trends, best practices, and partnership opportunities to advance data protection efforts. With the media’s crucial role in enhancing public understanding of data protection issues, Data Commissioner Immaculate Kassait emphasizes the importance of media involvement in fostering a culture of responsible data management and privacy.
Join us at the NADPA Conference to delve into the nuances of data protection, gain insights, and contribute to the advancement of data privacy in Africa. Your active participation is essential in driving meaningful progress towards a safer digital environment for all.